Pixel-wise Segmentation of Right Ventricle of Heart

Published in IEEE TENCON, 2019

One of the first steps in the diagnosis of most cardiac diseases, such as pulmonary hypertension, coronary heart disease is the segmentation of ventricles from cardiac magnetic resonance (MRI) images. Manual segmentation of the right ventricle requires diligence and time, while its automated segmentation is challenging due to shape variations and illdefined borders. We propose a deep learning based method for the accurate segmentation of right ventricle, which does not require post-processing and yet it achieves the state-of-the-art performance of 0.86 Dice coefficient and 6.73 mm Hausdorff distance on RVSC-MICCAI 2012 dataset. We use a novel adaptive cost function to counter extreme class-imbalance in the dataset. We present a comprehensive comparative study of loss functions, architectures, and ensembling techniques to build a principled approach for biomedical segmentation tasks.


‘Dang, Y., Anand, D., and Sethi, A. (2019). "Pixel-wise Segmentation of Right Ventricle of Heart." IEEE TENCON 2019.(Equal contribution by Dang Y. and Anand D.).’

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