
Histographs: Graphs in Histopathology

Published in SPIE Medical Imaging 2020, 2019

In this work, we propose to classify cancers using graph convolutional networks (GCNs) by modeling a tissue section as a multi-attributed spatial graph of its constituent cells. Read more

Pixel-wise Segmentation of Right Ventricle of Heart

Published in IEEE TENCON, 2019

This paper proposes a deep learning based method for the accurate segmentation of right ventricle, which does not require post-processing and yet it achieves the state-of-the-art performance of 0.86 Dice coefficient and 6.73 mm Hausdorff distance on RVSC-MICCAI 2012 dataset. Read more

Some new layer architectures for graph cnn

Published in arXiv preprint, 2018

The existing Graph CNN layers mostly neglect learning explicit operations for edge features while focusing on vertex features alone. We propose new formulations for convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers for neural networks that make more comprehensive use of the information available in multi-dimensional graphs. Using these layers led to an improvement in classification accuracy over the state-of-the-art methods on benchmark graph datasets. Read more

Classification of breast cancer histology using deep learning

Published in International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition, Springer, 2018

In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based method for classification of H&E stained breast tissue images released for BACH challenge by deep learning and provide an efficient patch-sampling strategy. Read more